high performance habits: the power of a positive mindset
Your mindset is arguably your most valuable asset.
And yet, we ruthlessly squander its resources by focusing on an endless list of personal and work tasks that don’t build but overwhelm.
As a result, our priorities get lost in the distraction, our relationships suffer and we get tired and burnt out more than we should.
a crucial career move
why should leaders develop high performance habits?
- Do you find yourself getting distracted, stuck or overwhelmed by the never-ending list of to-do’s that never seem to get finished?
- Do you find yourself complaining or feeling sorry for yourself when it all gets too much?
- Do you find yourself ruminating on past events more than you would like?
The Power of Positive Mindset and Healthy Habits will help you to find out why you tend to focus on the negative as a brain operating principle, why you get stuck and overwhelmed and why you lose sight of your goals.
We’ll also teach you how to overcome these challenges.
the context
introducing the power of a positive mindset
Learning to focus on what matters by creating conscious, high performance habits will allow you to move from surviving to thriving.
Research indicates that leaders and teams who are emotionally intelligent, have a higher success and performance rate than those who have a higher IQ. Resilience has been identified as an essential skill for individual and team success in the ever-demanding workplaces of the 21st century.
Those who have it, outlast and outperform their colleagues in the stressful situations that are a daily reality for teams: leading longer, happier and healthier lives.
Programme Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
- Develop positive brain strategies to consciously work with your brain’s operating principles and help you prioritise and focus on what is important to you
- Utilise the 6 skill-sets of emotional intelligence and 4-Factors of Resilience to help you understand and solve your challenges more positively
- Identify and resolve the challenges of unconscious biases that you hold so that you can develop richer professional relationships that last and ensure you and your team gets the “right work done”
- Identify your personal and team “Why” at work and why this matters
- Explore and define the value and importance of your roles and goals within the organisation and how these tie back to your customers
- Create a set of team priorities based on your goals
- Recognise and adapt your behaviour to deal with individual behavioural styles in your teams and environments to get more done
- Leverage simple time management techniques to help you focus and achieve your priorities
- Create an action plan to implement positive habits to support your personal and professional goals
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in
every opportunity;
an optimist sees the opportunity in
every difficulty.”
- Winston Churchill
Check what my clients say about me
“It was pleasure to meet you and a blessing in hearing what you have sown into the future leaders of Shell.
We all have good inside us and you brought out the best in us.
You have a gift and it must be very rewarding seeing people develop themselves.
michael h smith
Brilliant workshop. Very enjoying, worthwhile and engaging.
What I will do differently based on the learnings within this program is to use ‘my 90 seconds’
The most valuable part about the program was all of it.
I'd rate the workshop a 10/10
donna ahchay
/ dept of health
delivery and value
introducing the power of positive
I have always believed in and tried to live my life from a perspective of “The Power of Positive”. We now know from science that we are 31% more productive in positive than in neutral, negative or stressed.
So, it’ll come as no surprise that my Signature Programmes tie this theme together, whether addressing management or team challenges.
Each of my Signature Programmes in the Power of Positive Series complement each other to form an entire programme. This cohesive framework has been designed to flow from one development topic to the next.
customised to your needs
My modular approach makes it easy for you to choose topics that will solve your specific challenges.
Depending on your needs, challenges and budget, I can craft and customise to create a unique programme tailored for you and your organisation.
And, whilst my workshops tend to be face to face, I recognise and have developed my online offerings to combine with face to face to offer a "blended" approach to reinforce learning and allow for geographically dispersed teams to benefit from learning.
A variety of formats to suit your needs:
- Lunch and Learns (2 -3 hours)
- Workshops
- Live and Pre-Recorded Webinars
- Group and Executive Personalised Coaching
- Online Courses, Web Classes and Master Classes
- Or a blend of the above
principles of learning
the leadership SUCCESS CYCLE = leadership growth
Training is estimated to be a $9 Billion dollar industry in Australia and yet the statistics show us that only 10% of learning is retained. That's a loooot of money wasted I'm sure you'd agree!
To create learning that "sticks" is not easy.
But it is simple when you know how.
My Success Cycle outlines how I create a meaningful learning journey for my customers to ensure your key challenges are solved and you get a return on your investment.

return on investment
creating consistent returns for our customers
My 5 Principles of Experiential, Conversation-Based Learning is my "secret sauce" for making your learning fun and where learning "sticks“!
Having trained many thousands of people since 1996, I have developed 5-Principles which are incorporated into every single learning event run through Skill Junction. It's been the key to our success.
And, once practically implemented, together with a combination of coaching, buddy-work, review and follow-up afterwards, allows for meaningful, lasting change to occur.

my company values
how I create safety for my clients
I believe in creating a sincere, no-judgement zone which makes room for vulnerability, honesty and openness.
The ability to encourage and appreciate the best in all of us is core to how I lead and how I encourage leaders to lead.
I believe that there is power in the present, that we all have a responsibility to be our best and to create shared understanding.
Successful leaders are curious, humble, willing to learn from others and say sorry.
My training provides a sense of belonging in a space that is truthful and challenging, yet respectful.
When we choose to let "stuff" go, to forgive ourselves and others, we learn true freedom.
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