leadership life-changer, empowering Leaders to lead with courage, conviction and can-do presents.....
Join me on my 21 day Leadership Lift-Off Challenge and learn how to lead with courage, conviction and can-do in times of turbulence and change.
Are you ready to lift your leadership game?
Watch the following video…
21 Days with Kerry Anne Cassidy
sharing two lessons a week, dropped into your email inbox, starting Monday,
2 November 2020
12 Seats available per cohort.
Corporate teams: you are welcome to request your own cohort. Please contact Kerry Anne here to discuss
(Group Coaching 08:30 - 09:30 am)
2 November - Introduction and Kick-off
and 4 November - Q&A
(Group Coaching 08:30 - 09:30 am)
11 November - Q&A
(Group Coaching 08:30 - 09:30 am)
20 November - Q&A and Wrap Up
The world is changing…
Over the past few months, I have been working with leaders whose livelihoods have been threatened and watched as they struggle to keep positive and focused amidst the chaos and volatility of a world upside-down due to covid-19.
Leaders have been tasked with more and more workload, whilst simultaneously budgets have been cut and restructuring has become a normal occurrence. This means that leaders are expected to do more and more with less and less resources. Leadership is hard enough without the uncertainty and ambiguity of this new economic reality. And, with the added pain of a lack of training (due to budget cuts) and dwindling opportunities to network amongst leaders due to continued lock-downs and new working arrangements, it’s becoming harder to keep positive and focused.
Come and join me in a positive, friendly yet challenging online environment where I will teach you six essential leadership skills needed now more than ever to help you succeed and stand out in your organisation.
For 25 years, I have been teaching leaders the art and science of relationship and courage, as they seek to actively become the best version of themselves.
TOPIC ONE Why Should Anyone Be Led By You
Successful leaders affect the brains of their people in positive ways, particularly in times of change and uncertainty. Learn how you can harness the science of relationship to encourage creative problem solving and innovation in your team
TOPIC ONE Developing courage and confidence
Learning who you are and why you do what you do will help draw your team closer to you. Discover the habits of courage, conviction and can-do
TOPIC three Identify your Signature Leadership Style
No one leads quite like you. Learn what your SLS is and how to effectively influence your team, colleagues and bosses in positive ways, even if you don’t see eye to eye
TOPIC four Developing courage and confidence
The foundation to leadership is shared understanding, yet many leaders I work with deal with misunderstandings, difficult people and situations that can overwhelm them. Learn how to engage positively for effective performance
TOPIC five Developing a Mentally Healthy Team in times of Change
A healthy team is an engaged team. And an engaged team is one who delivers high performance and achieves shared outcomes. In times of turbulence and change, a leader who succeeds is one who is able to leverage the key challenges facing them in order to overcome and provide solutions for their team.
TOPIC six Keeping socially agile using your network and sponsors
Most leaders I’ve worked with, neglect their networks and key relationships until they hit a crisis situation. Learn the necessary skill-set and reasons to build both a deep and wide network, AND find the right sponsor relationships for sustainable career success
- Twice weekly video lessons dropped into your email inbox to watch and work through
- Group coaching Q&A weekly where you get to ask your leadership questions
- LinkedIn Group for networking and implementing your learning
- Quick Action Handouts and Resources – available per lesson
- Daily Inspiration – to keep you on track
- Peer action and review – working in pairs / small groups to implement learning
- Email reminders per lesson
Learn what it means to lead as a new leader
Come refresh your leadership mindset and motivation for existing leaders
Learn how to build a platform and foundation for leadership and career sustainability
Learn in a safe, friendly environment where you have the opportunity to build relationships with other leaders
Implement your learning in-between lessons to make learning practical and for it to “stick”
If you are applying for employer or organisational support, you are welcome to use these documents:
Leaders who want to lead their teams and organisations through this pandemic
Leaders who want to refresh their leadership skill-set and motivation
Leaders who are starting their leadership journey and are seeking skills to set them apart
Leaders who want to make a difference in their organisation
Leaders who are seeking answers to common leadership challenges
Leaders who want to re-engage their staff and team in a positive, engaging way
Leaders who want quick, action-oriented learning that they can implement straight away
Credit card via the payment portal provided on this page
Invoice on application (14-day payment terms. Contact us if you prefer this option.)
Sign up today and receive my 7-Day Mindset Mastery Audio course valued at $199 – this is an invaluable tool-kit that will boost your emotional intelligence and help you to build your positivity and focus in the lead up to our 21-Day Challenge.
I am well aware of budget constraints within organisations.
That’s why I am offering my 21-day Leadership Lift-Off Challenge at just $149 per person (plus GST).
My expectations in attending Kerry Anne's leadership training was to better manage/work with staff within my team/organisation. Kerry Anne helped me achieve this by providing frameworks which were easy to understand, follow and implement.
My biggest takeaways from my time with Kerry Anne were ensuring conversations stay in the ‘safe’ zone and that any conflict type issues should be sorted out earlier than later.
You can.....
Make A Difference, Engage Your People And Get Recognised For All The Right Reasons!
It's Time For Leaders To Rise Up Into Your Power And Full Potential
I am well aware of budget constraints within organisations. That’s why I am offering my 21-day Leadership Lift-Off Challenge at just $149 per person (plus GST).
7 ways in 7 days to change your mindset for good
Valued at AU$199, as a gift
So, what do you get?
Plus 7-Day Mindset Mastery Audio course valued at $199 for free
Sign up today and let’s grow your leadership!
See you at the top!
About your facilitator
Kerry-Anne Cassidy provides award-winning, impactful leadership development training programmes. For 25 years, she has empowered leaders in both Africa, Australia and across a broad range of industries develop their unique identity and breakthrough the barriers holding them back.
Her strength is her ability to achieve results by encouraging and challenging leaders to back themselves, be courageous and believe in their people.
She combines real-life experience with in-depth tools, models and frameworks that are practical and easy to implement. her unique way of delivering is engaging and energetic, creating a safe yet challenging learning environment where leaders can be themselves, share their stories and step up without judgement.
As a discerning coach and facilitator, she “holds the line” for leaders, enabling them to discover solutions to their toughest challenges within themselves.