Step one in getting you started on your Leadership Journey

Please take a vital few moments to set up your account and login details so you will be able to access your course straight away! 

Once you have finished, make sure you write down your password so you can access it when you need to.  

For paid courses, we'll direct you next to our secure payment gateway so that you can finish making your purchase.  For FREE courses, you will be directed to your FREE course.  

See you at the top,

HELPFUL TIPS: according to traditional adviceโ€”a strong password:


Has 12 -14 Characters, Minimum


Includes Numbers, Symbols, Capital Letters, and Lower-Case Letters: Use a mix of different types of characters to make the password harder to crack.


Isnโ€™t a Dictionary Word or Combination of Dictionary Words: Stay away from obvious dictionary words and combinations of dictionary words. Any word on its own is bad. Any combination of a few words, especially if theyโ€™re obvious, is also bad. For example, โ€œhouseโ€ is a terrible password. โ€œRed houseโ€ is also very bad.


Doesnโ€™t Rely on Obvious Substitutions: Donโ€™t use common substitutions, either โ€” for example, โ€œH0useโ€ isnโ€™t strong just because youโ€™ve replaced an o with a 0. Thatโ€™s just obvious.

Leadership Development Course Registration and Login