people management skills: performance through people

Conversations are the life-blood of the workplace.

They are the most effective tool in a leaders/managers toolkit, if used authentically and consistently.

In our Performance through People programme, we focus on the skill-sets and tool-sets of performance that are often overlooked instead of being developed to proactively prevent poor performance.

the opportunity

why are people management skills important to your success?

  • Are you struggling to get the best from your team?
  • Is your team fully committed and pulling together in achieving their goals or are they pulling apart?
  • Do you have behavioural challenges that are impacting on team engagement and morale?
  • Are you hitting your goals as a team?

In our Performance through People programme, we focus on the skill-sets and tool-sets of performance that are often overlooked unless performance problems arise. 

the context

INTRODUCING performance through people

Are you paying lip service to performance conversations?

Typically, I find that organisations pay lip service to performance where the expectation is that managers and their teams have a twice year performance discussion. 

This is usually a formal review and uses a system to monitor and upload information about a staff memberโ€™s performance.

The problems that arise from this often include:

  1. What you as a manager think about your staffโ€™s performance and their perception of their performance are misaligned โ€“ and the first time that this is realised and spoken about is in a performance review.  Often itโ€™s too late for your team member to do anything about this and so they end up resentful and angry which affects your relationship and their productivity
  2. Managers do not have enough balance between whatโ€™s been done well and development opportunities โ€“ they have focused on what needs to be improved
  3. Feedback is one-way (from manager to staff member) and allows little opportunity for conversation to fully explore and understand the real cause of performance issues.
  4. A lack of clarity or agreement on how to rate your staff
  5. A lack of clarity about what to measure your staff against (job descriptions can be very vague)
  6. Comparisons of staff against each other rather than against an agreed standard

Performance through People is aimed at upskilling managers with the mindset, skill-set and tool-set to engage and get the best out of their direct reports, as well as learning to work together as a management/leadership team. 

In working together through these topics, we can help them to create a consistent โ€œlanguageโ€ and approach in working with the team as a whole.

And, the reason we pay such attention to the language you use when speaking to your staff is because this has a huge impact on how they respond to you.

We also learn the real differences between Performance, Performance Management and Performance Improvement so that we can dispel the negativity that arises from poorly managed performance processes.

If you follow and apply the learning we share, you will be able to have a positive coaching conversation by the end of programme, which WILL lead to improved workplace performance and help you on your road to a high performing team!

Programme Objectives:

By the end of this programme, you will be able to:

  1. Identify a high performing team.  In doing this, we will look at ways to develop and stretch your team.
  2. Correctly define and use the Performance Continuum as a way to effectively manage both the operational day-to-day activities of your team, as well as effectively manage under-performance and behavioural challenges before they become an issue.
  3. Assess your teamsโ€™ competence and confidence needs so that you can appropriately adapt your style to help them reach their potential and your business goals.
  4. Leverage motivation principles to get more from your team
  5. Learn to effectively delegate using a framework and a simple checklist
  6. Apply the 3 components of the Performance Equation for consistent high performance
  7. Set clear goals for both tasks and behaviour
  8. Give and receive feedback that drives performance using a simple feedback model
  9. Use the GROW coaching model as a basis for performance dialogue and lasting behavioural change.
  10. Work together and develop a plan for each of your team members, according to their specific needs, expectations and goals so that these can be achieved
  11. Empower your team to find solutions to challenges they face: both individually and collectively so that you get the important things done
  12. Have difficult discussions with people about under performance
  13. Plan performance and development meetings
  14. Identify performance gaps
  15. Rate individual performance accurately and fairly

โ€œIt is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur.

You take the front line when there is danger.

Then people will appreciate your leadership.โ€

- Nelson Mandela


Check what my clients say about me


โ€œAn outstanding course: lots of great information and tools. I really enjoyed the opportunity to practice the skills. 

Kerry Anne presented the course in a very engaging and effective fashion.  

All questions were answered in a way that encouraged deeper understanding. 

The best part of my learning experience has been Kerry Anne.โ€

Mitchell Biron



"Great training. Very engaging and relevant. Provides good tools โ€“ sets us up for success.

Kerry Anne was enthusiastic and very knowledgeable.

Easy to talk to and made it very easy to have a discussion.

The most valuable take-out from the workshop included the delegation checklist, the good strategies for better understanding our people and coaching (ask, ask, ask).

I'd rate this programme 10 / 10โ€

Jennifer Nichols

Office of Industrial Relations


"Kerry is extremely engaging with everyone in the room that helps you connect and interact and most importantly learn.

The most valuable take-outs from the workshop were the top tips list about delegation, feedback, coaching and goal setting using SMART."

Riddhi Patel

Workplace Healthy and Safety Queensland

delivery and value

introducing the power of positive

I have always believed in and tried to live my life from a perspective of โ€œThe Power of Positiveโ€.  We now know from science that we are 31% more productive in positive than in neutral, negative or stressed.

So, itโ€™ll come as no surprise that my Signature Programmes tie this theme together, whether addressing management or team challenges.

Each of my Signature Programmes in the Power of Positive Series complement each other to form an entire programme. This cohesive framework has been designed to flow from one development topic to the next. 

High Performance Habits
Strategic Leadership
Authentic Leadership
People Management Skills
Brand Yourself
Women in Leadership Course
Communicate with Influence
Workplace Conflict


customised to your needs

My modular approach makes it easy for you to choose topics that will solve your specific challenges.

Depending on your needs, challenges and budget, I can craft and customise to create a unique programme tailored for you and your organisation.

And, whilst my workshops tend to be face to face, I recognise and have developed my online offerings to combine with face to face to offer a "blended" approach to reinforce learning and allow for geographically dispersed teams to benefit from learning.

A variety of formats to suit your needs:

  • Lunch and Learns (2 -3 hours)
  • Workshops
  • Live and Pre-Recorded Webinars
  • Group and Executive Personalised Coaching
  • Online Courses, Web Classes and Master Classes
  • Or a blend of the above

my company values

how I create safety for my clients


I believe in creating a sincere, no-judgement zone which makes room for vulnerability, honesty and openness.


The ability to encourage and appreciate the best in all of us is core to how I lead and how I encourage leaders to lead.


I believe that there is power in the present, that we all have a responsibility to be our best and to create shared understanding.


Successful leaders are curious, humble, willing to learn from others and say sorry.


My training provides a sense of belonging in a space that is truthful and challenging, yet respectful.


When we choose to let "stuff" go, to forgive ourselves and others, we learn true freedom.

how i can help you on your leadership journey?  

let's start the conversation...