Have you ever had a manager who was:
These are just 3 behavioural outcomes that teams whose managers are “Un” Emotionally Intelligent experience in workplaces around Australia.
It’s not all doom and gloom though.
The wonderful and exciting opportunity inherent in understanding and applying Emotional Intelligence in the workplace is that you can become aware, change your thoughts and feelings and so have a direct impact on your own and other’s behaviours, decisions and ultimately your and their performance.
Emotional Intelligence is not fixed. It grows the more you focus on and develop it due to the wonder of neuroplasticity, your brain’s ability to change and grow.
As a certified assessor of the GENOS Assessment Tools for Emotional Intelligence, I can vouch for hard work certainly paying off for managers prepared to get serious about their behaviours, decisions and impact on team performance.
In fact, in a competency modelling analysis of 188 companies conducted by Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence was proven to be twice as important as technical ability and IQ for jobs at all levels.
The sad truth about organisations and their ability to learn and grow is shown in research on Employee Engagement conducted by Hewitt Associates. They found the following:
What these facts tell us is that while there are many providers of engagement surveys, organizations are not effectively acting on the insights these surveys provide.
Emotional Intelligence can be used to address a multitude of workplace challenges such as:
Research shows that success in these areas equates to bottom line results. And isn’t this what every business strives for?
In my one-on-one and group coaching programmes, I use the GENOS model of Emotional Intelligence as well as their Assessment Tools to help my client’s develop and grow their Emotional Intelligence. This focus can lead to substantial increase in employee and organisational engagement, motivation and innovation of 5 – 30% or more.
Very simply, the GENOS Model is made up of 7 skills that underpin workplace performance. These 7 skills have been identified as being used by highly emotionally intelligent leaders consistently for above average performance in organisations throughout the world.
The GENOS Emotional Intelligence model grew out of SUEIT, the Swinburne University of Emotional Intelligence test. This was developed by two key Australian researchers, Dr Ben Palmer and Professor Con Stough in the 1990’s.
Dr Palmer went on to develop the GENOS Emotional Intelligence Model and it was officially launched in 2002. It’s key focus is on emotional intelligence in the workplace.
This model defines Emotional Intelligence as:
"Emotional intelligence is the skill with which you perceive, express, reason with and manage your own and others' emotions."
The work that Dr Ben Palmer expands on the original work of Salovey and Mayer, who invented the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) in 1990 and from whose original work Daniel Goleman so famously popularised in his world-wide bestseller Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.
What the GENOS Model does is to help you to identify the frequency that you display the 7 skills (emotional self-awareness, emotional awareness of others, emotional expression, emotional reasoning, emotional self-management, emotional management of others, emotional self-control) and their associated behaviours in the workplace.
These tools are simple, easy to use and specifically tailored for managers in workplaces anywhere to help them identify their strengths and potential developmental areas.
What we will explore today are the 7 pain points that Managers experience in the workplace that hold back their careers and their teams from performing to their best.
Each of these pain points arise because managers either inadvertently or purposefully ignore the signals their behaviours and decisions are having on their environments and teams.
I am a firm believer that if you have a problem in your team, as a leader, you have to first look to your thoughts, feelings and behaviours in order to find the solution. Why? Most of the time, you are a large part of the problem.
And my personal experience and observation of others is that the starting point to solving any problem is awareness.
As you go through these 7 pain points, I’d encourage you to think about yourself and your own team.
Now, of course I know you’d never display emotionally unintelligent behaviours, but if you did, you may want to think about the impact these behavioural patterns are having on your teams and what you can do to change these.
How many of these would your staff, peers and manager tick as a yes around your behaviour?
One: Disconnected
Two: Insensitive
Three: Guarded
Four: Limited
Five: Temperamental
Six: Indifferent
Seven: Insensitive
- 1Which of these sinful seven do you think could be sabotaging you and your team?
- 2What 2 changes could you make to turn these around?
- 3Who could you call upon to assist you make these changes?
Emotional Intelligence is a big topic that has application across any industry and can make dramatic impact in any team, anywhere in the world.
- 1What examples have you got of people you have worked with who have impacted negatively in your workplaces?
- 2What have you done to change things around in your workplace, in spite of these negative behaviours?
- 3What would be your top tips around building your emotional intelligence?
Until next time, I will
See you at the top,
Kerry Anne
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Do you want to work on and implement some of these tools?
Grab your copy of our Cheat Sheet which includes The 7 Pain Point Checklist to identify your Emotional Intelligence pain points to download and work through
And, if you are looking for training on emotional intelligence for leaders and managers in your organisation, check out our Manager's Success Blueprint.